Remote Work Guide

Kastner Westman & Wilkins, LLC

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Location, Location, Location: Where Will Your Workforce Work?

The Current and Future States of Remote and Hybrid Work. 

At K|W|W, “Your Workforce. Our Priority” serves to define our brand. It also serves as a regular reminder to our clients and to us why K|W|W exists. The last three years have brought unprecedented challenges and opportunities to employers across all sectors of the economy. No employer has been immune from the need to adapt to a variety of external changes and pressures resulting from a global pandemic and the havoc it has wrought.

The global pandemic began a seismic shift in how employers interact with and manage their workforces. The dramatic rise in remote and hybrid work arrangements is one of the most notable examples of that shift, though there are others as well. Employers and their workforces have been dramatically impacted by social upheaval, perhaps most notably the #MeToo movement and the call for greater equity and justice. Employers have had to contend with a once-in-a-generation pressure to increase wages in order to address the recruitment and retention crisis caused by the dual forces of the “Great Resignation” and a sudden, dramatic rise in the cost of living and wages.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Remote Work

To better equip employers to make such complex and pressing decisions, we’ve prepared this report. We’ve compiled sociological and self-reported studies on the benefits and drawbacks of remote work. We’ve examined factors employees and managers consider important when considering their work arrangements. We’ve reviewed best practices for deciding what kind of work arrangement best suits your organization. We’ve included a section about the most pressing legal issues that face employers with remote and hybrid work arrangements, and we conclude our report with some best practices for managing remote and hybrid work forces.

At K|W|W, we don’t presume to have all the answers when it comes to advising employers on how to navigate the issue of remote versus hybrid versus on-site work. However, we want to do our part to ensure that employers are asking all the right questions and considering all of the possibilities when trying to decide what is best for their particular organization. It is in that spirit and with that objective that we share this report.